How to Wash Swimsuits

With the heat of the summer finally arrived in Littleton, it’s now the season of swimsuits! Whether your family vacation finds you beach side or you are a regular at the community pool, chances are your swimsuit will get more use in the next few months than the rest of the year.

swimmingTo keep your swimsuits fresh and looking their best all season long, they need regular care! Just like the rest of your wardrobe, regular laundering of your swimsuits is important for hygiene and longevity. Here are a few tips to wash your swimsuit and keep it lasting longer:

  1. Rinse – every time. When you finish a swim, rinse your suit out right away. The chlorine in most pools and the salt in the ocean can damage the delicate fabrics and elastics in your swim suit. Body oils and sweat also collect in your swim suit, which can build up to stain and wear down your suit. While you might not be able to get all of the chemicals out until you wash the suit, a rinse will help to remove much of the hazards between washes.
  2. Be Gentle. Hand washing is usually recommended for swimsuits, but the gentle cycle on your washing machine is usually a good option. A mesh laundry bag can help to contain your swim suit in the washing machine, preventing it from getting tangled with the other garments in the load and stretching out. Use a gentle detergent and never use bleach. If your suit has specific care requirements on the label, follow them. For the very best care, bring your suits to us for our organic wet cleaning!
  3. Air dry, lying flat. Don’t wring out your suit. While this is a tempting strategy to get rid of the excess water, wringing a swimsuit will stretch it out, damage the elastic, and make your swimsuit wear faster. Instead, try patting your suit down to remove that extra moisture. Let your swimsuit air dry. Lay it flat rather than hang drying to avoid stretching out the material from the weight of the water.

Washing your swimsuits regularly can keep them looking their best, lasting longer, and feeling fresher. And don’t forget to give them a final wash before storing them at the end of the season. If you have questions about the care of your suit, removing a stain, or our organic wet cleaning method, contact us at 303-798-0515.

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